For me, my journey through pain has been deeply transformative, thanks in large part to the life-giving support of others, including wellness coaches. Their guidance helped me strengthen my self-awareness, reclaim my voice, and attune to my needs, wants, and boundaries.
Peer support from a trained coach has been invaluable in my life, and it’s an honor to offer that same kind of support to others.
Some areas of struggle that have touched my life, either directly or through close relationships, include addiction, congenital anomalies, early-onset Alzheimer’s, betrayal trauma, bipolar disorder, and spiritual abuse. These experiences have been catalysts for growth, softening my heart in ways I didn’t know I needed. They’ve helped me see both the world and myself with greater tenderness.
As a lifelong learner, I strive to find meaning in these challenges. I haven’t “arrived” and often show up with much still to learn. Coaching, for me, is about fostering self-trust, self-forgiveness, and self-love—not only in myself but also in those I serve.
Opportunities Offered by Beth
1:1 Coaching
Group Wellness Art Workshops
Book Clubs
Support Groups